
SAS Commission of the IUCr

Internationally the Small Angle Scattering community has a home at the Small Angle Scattering Commission of the International Union of Crystallography. One of the SAS Commission’s important roles is building a world-wide community of small angle scatterers – see their home page for details on how you can contribute. There you can also join the SAS email list.

Other relevant organisations:

ISA: The International Scattering Alliance is a not-for-profit association that helps organisations (official and unofficial) to serve the community using X-ray, neutron and light scattering methods with information and software. 

canSASThe Collective Action for Nomadic Small Angle Scatterers (canSAS) is a collection of user and facility representatives working on common issues relevant to nomadic experimenters (e.g., common data formats, standard samples).

ORSO: Open Reflectometry Standards Organisation.

Facility User Groups: almost all major facilities have User Groups who represent user interests to facility management. Details of the facilities around the world with SAS facilities can be found on the Instruments and Facilities page.

NMI3: A European consortium of 18 partner organisations from 12 countries, including all major facilities in the fields of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy

BioStruct-X: A hub for structural biology using X-ray techniques, funded by the EU FP7 programme.

CCP-SAS: A project developing software for advanced structural analyses of solution scattering data from chemical biology and soft condensed matter systems.

Instruct: A hub for structural biology, providing integrated infrastructure, scientific expertise and training, funded by ESFRI.

PDB-SAStf: A task force considering whether the PDB should accept some types of structural models based on solution small-angle scattering studies. A portal site for worldwide X-ray facilities and the communities that use them. A new portal site being built for the worldwide neutron facilities and the  communities that use them. This site is still under construction.  Meantime the old portal is still active. The GI-SAXS community website.

ISSE: The website of the International Society of Sample Environment.